
Issue Title
Vol 13, No 2: Agustus (2020) Klasifikasi Kanker Kulit Berdasarkan Fitur Tekstur, Fitur Warna Citra Menggunakan SVM dan KNN Abstract
Muhammad Faruk, Nur Nafi’iyah
Vol 16, No 2: August (2023) Classification of COVID-19 Cough Sounds using Mel Frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC) Feature Extraction and Support Vector Machine Abstract
Muhammad Meftah Mafazy, Mohammad Reza Faisal, Dwi Kartini, Fatma Indriani, Triando Hamonangan Saragih
Vol 15, No 1: February (2022) Website-Based Application for Flood Event Prediction Using Machine Learning Method In Cilacap District Abstract
Imam Tahyudin, Faiz Ichsan Jaya, Nur Faizah
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ISSN: 2442-4528 (online) | ISSN: 1979-925X (print)
Published by : Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
Jl. Let. Jend. POL SUMARTO Watumas, Purwonegoro - Purwokerto, Indonesia

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