Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Telematika is a periodical scientific publication that focuses on information technology and computer science in the form of a collection/accumulation of new knowledge, empirical observations or research results, and the development of new ideas or proposals. Some sub-fields of science that are the focus of computer science include:

Artificial Intelligence, Internet of things (IoT), Data Sciences, Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Computational Theory and Mathematics.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

  • Reviewers receive a Single-blind review from the section editor or editorial secretariat. If not by their competence, the reviewer has the right to reject the text and recommend it to other reviewers who are more competent
  • One reviewer at least reviews one script and one script must be reviewed at least by two reviewers
  • Reviewers review the manuscript from the aspect of quality and substance of writing (not the grammar of the script), which includes the renewal, authenticity, usefulness, and validity of citations and bibliography.
  • Reviewers review the manuscript in  2 weeks


Publication Frequency

February and August


Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

This journal is open access journal which means that all content is freely available without charge to users or / institution. Users are allowed to read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to full text articles in this journal without asking prior permission from the publisher or author.


Publication Ethic and Malpractice Statement

Telematika is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. This statement clarifies the ethical behavior of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the peer-reviewer ­­­­­ and the publisher Universitas Amikom Purwokerto, Indonesia). This statement is based on the current COPE's Core Practices (https://publicationethics.org).

Ethical Guideline for Journal Publication

The publication of an article in a peer-reviewed Telematika is an essential building block in the development of a coherent and respected network of knowledge. It is a direct reflection of the quality of the work of the authors and the institutions that support them. Peer-reviewed articles support and embody the scientific method. It is, therefore, important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the author, the journal editor, the peer reviewer, the publisher.

Publisher and Editor

Universitas Amikom Purwokerto, Indonesia as publisher of Telematika takes its duties of guardianship over all stages of publishing extremely seriously and we recognize our ethical and other responsibilities. We are committed to ensuring that advertising, reprint or other commercial revenue has no impact or influence on editorial decisions. In addition, the Universitas Amikom Purwokerto and Editorial Board will assist in communications with other journals and/or publishers where this is useful and necessary.

Publication Decisions: The editor of Telematika is responsible for deciding which of the articles submitted to the journal should be published. The validation of the work in question and its importance to researchers and readers must always drive such decisions. The editors may be guided by the policies of the journal's editorial board and constrained by such legal requirements as shall then be in force regarding libel, copyright infringement and plagiarism. The editors may confer with other editors or reviewers in making this decision.

Fair Play: An editor at any time evaluate manuscripts for their intellectual content without regard to race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnic origin, citizenship, or political philosophy of the authors.

Confidentiality: The editor and any editorial staff must not disclose any information about a submitted manuscript to anyone other than the corresponding author, reviewers, potential reviewers, other editorial advisers, and the publisher, as appropriate.

Disclosure and Conflicts of Interest: Unpublished materials disclosed in a submitted manuscript must not be used in an editor's own research without the express written consent of the author.

Part A: Publication and authorship

  1. All texts sent will go through a strict peer-review process by at least two reviewers who are experts in the field.
  2. The review process is a blind review.
  3. The factors taken into account in the review are relevance, significance, originality, legibility and language.
  4. Decisions include acceptance, acceptance with revisions, or rejection.
  5. If the author is asked to revise and resubmit the submission, there is no guarantee that the revised submission will be accepted.
  6. Rejected articles will not be reviewed.
  7. Acceptance of manuscripts is limited by legal requirements such as those that apply in the validity period due to copyright infringement and plagiarism.


Part B: Author's responsibility

The author must state that their manuscript is their original work.

  1. The author must state that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere.
  2. The author must state that the manuscript is not currently being considered for publication elsewhere.
  3. Authors must participate in the peer-review process.
  4. The author is obliged to provide corrections or correction of errors.
  5. All Authors mentioned on paper must significantly contribute to this research.
  6. The author must state that all data in the text is genuine
  7. The author must notify the Editor of any conflict of interest.
  8. The author must identify all sources used in making the manuscript.
  9. Authors must report errors that they found in the mass media published to the Editor.


Part C: Reviewer responsibilities

Reviewers must keep all information about the manuscript and treat it as confidential information.

  1. Reviews must be done objectively, without personal criticism from authors Reviewer must express their views clearly with supporting arguments
  2. The reviewer must identify the relevant published work that has not been quoted by the author.
  3. The reviewer must also call the attention of the Editor in Chief for substantial or overlapping similarities between the manuscripts being considered and other publications that have personal knowledge.
  4. Reviewers may not review the manuscript where they have a conflict of interest due to a relationship, relationship, or competitive, collaborative, or other relationship with any writer, company or institution related to the newspaper.


Part D: editor's responsibility

  1. The editor has full responsibility and authority to reject/accept an article.
  2. The editor is responsible for the content and overall quality of the publication.
  3. The editor must always consider the needs of writers and readers when trying to improve publications.
  4. The editor must guarantee the quality of the text and the integrity of academic records.
  5. The editor must make corrections if needed.
  6. The editor must have a clear picture of the sources of research funding.
  7. Editors must base their decisions solely as an interest, authenticity, clarity, and relevance of the paper with the scope of the publication.
  8. Editors should not reverse their decisions or cancel the previous editor for no serious reason.
  9. The editor must maintain the anonymity of reviewers.
  10. Editors must ensure that all research material they publish is by accepted ethical guidelines.
  11. Editors may only accept scripts if they are sure enough.
  12. Editors must act if they suspect that they made a mistake, whether a paper was published or not published, and made all reasonable efforts to survive in obtaining a resolution to the problem.
  13. Editors may not reject papers based on suspicion; they should have proof of the error.
  14. Editors should not allow conflicts of interest between staff, writers, reviewers, and board members.


Policy of Screening for Plagiarism

The Editorial Team, Telematika Journal, agrees that plagiarism is unacceptable and therefore approves of policies that apply when approving plagiarism related to articles submitted for publication in the Telematika Journal.



Plagiarism is work intentionally or unintentionally obtained or carried out obtained from credit or value for scientific work, by quoting part or all of the related works and / or scientific works as scientific works, without the right source of information and appropriate.


For this reason:

Articles must be original, have never been published, and are not in the process of waiting for publication elsewhere. Material that was taken verbally from other sources needs to be revised more clearly than the original text.

If the plagiarism is identified, the Editor in Chief is responsible for the review of the article and will determine actions according to the level of plagiarism sought, with the following guidelines:


The level of plagiarism

1.    Copying some short sentences from other articles without mentioning the source. Action: The author has the right to change and ask to change the text and quote correctly.

2.    Copying most of the other articles cited incorrectly and not citing the source. Actions: Articles submitted are rejected for publication in the Telematika Journal and the Author may be approved for publication in the Telematika Journal

All article authors are responsible for the content of the articles they submit because they all publish a Statement of Ethics Publication Journal for Telematika. If the article is classified as plagiarism, then all writers will be subject to the same actions.

If the author is proven to submit the manuscript into the Telematika Journal simultaneously sent also to another Journal, and this overlap is found during the review process or after publication, then according to the action according to point 2 above.

If actions are found that comply with established rules, the editor of the Telematika journal has the right to provide actions in accordance with the policies of the team editor.


Licensing terms

Authors who publish with Telematika agree to the following terms: Authors retain copyright and grant the Telematika right of first publication with the work simultaneously licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-SA 4.0) that allows others to share (copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format) and adapt (remix, transform, and build upon the material) the work for any purpose, even commercially with an acknowledgement of the work's authorship and initial publication in Telematika. Authors are able to enter into separate, additional contractual arrangements for the non-exclusive distribution of the journal's published version of the work (e.g., post it to an institutional repository or publish it in a book), with an acknowledgement of its initial publication in Telematika. Authors are permitted and encouraged to post their work online (e.g., in institutional repositories or on their website) prior to and during the submission process, as it can lead to productive exchanges, as well as earlier and greater citation of published work (See The Effect of Open Access).

Indexed by:

ISSN: 2442-4528 (online) | ISSN: 1979-925X (print)
Published by : Universitas Amikom Purwokerto
Jl. Let. Jend. POL SUMARTO Watumas, Purwonegoro - Purwokerto, Indonesia

Creative Commons License This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License .